CMPS 2120 Discrete Structures
Eddie Rangel
Office: Sci III 336
Office Hours: by appointment
Course web site:
Course meets in Sci III room 315
T 4:00pm - 5:15pm
Th 4:00pm - 5:15pm
Course meets in Sci III room 311
F 4:00pm - 6:30pm
Catalog Description
Discrete structures and applications in computer science. Provides an introduction to proof techniques,
propositional and predicate logic, functions, relations, sets, big-oh notation, counting techniques,
summations, recursive definitions, recurrence relations, discrete probability and simple circuit logic.
CMPS 2010 or CMPS 2020 with a grade of C- or better; MATH 1040 or MATH 1050
This course covers the following ACM/IEEE Body of Knowledge student learning outcomes:
CC-DS: Discrete Structures
CC-AL: Algorithms and Complexity
CE-DSC Discrete Structures
The course maps to the following program/student outcomes for
Computer Science (CAC/ABET) and Computer Engineering (EAC/ABET):
(CAC PIa5, EAC PIa5): Use discrete mathematics techniques and algorithms.
Assessed by question on mid term and/or final exam.
It is recommended that you attend every class session.
Roll is taken during labs. Some or all lab assignments will require
attendance for full credit.
Lecture Topics and Rough Schedule
propositional logic and logical connectives truth tables and logical equivalences converse, inverse, contrapositive o normal forms (conjunctive and disjunctive) |
week 1 |
predicate logic with single and nested quantifiers predicate logic operations |
week 2 |
use of inference rules to analyze arguments syllogisms and fallacies |
week 3 |
the structure of formal proofs direct proof, proof by counter example proof by contradiction, proof by cases |
week 4 |
functions (surjections, injections, inverses, composition) sequences & summations |
week 5 |
sets (power sets, Venn diagrams and tables, Cartesian product) set operations (complement, union, intersection, difference) cardinality and countability |
week 6 |
algorithms and algorithm analysis function growth & big-oh notation |
week 7 |
integer division, modulo primes and greatest common divisor |
week 8 |
positional number systems binary, octal, hexadecimal conversions and operations |
week 9 |
standard strong and structural induction proving recursive algorithms by induction |
week 10 |
basic combinatorics sum and product rule, rule of falling powers inclusion/exclusion and pigeonhole principles permutations and combinations binomial coefficients and Pascal's triangle |
week 11 |
introduction to discrete probability complements and unions of events |
week 12 |
properaties of relations (reflexivity, symmetry, transitivity) relation composition |
week 13 |
recursive definitions solving recurrence relations |
week 14 |
Boolean circuits logic gates and logic diagrams |
week 15 |
Grading Policy:
Homework........... 10 points x 10 100 20% Labs............... 10 points x 10 100 20% Quizzes............ 10 points x 10 100 20% Mid Term Exam...... 100 points x 1 100 20% Final Exam......... 100 points x 1 100 20% ---- Total points possible............... 500 The overall distribution of scoring is reflected above. The number of assignments may change slightly. Letter grade will be based on percentage of total possible.
A 93% |
A- 90% |
B+ 87% |
B 83% |
B- 80% |
C+ 77% |
C 73% |
C- 70% |
D+ 67% |
D 63% |
D- 60% |
F 0% |
Lab assignments ask you to write some assembly language programs in class.
There will usually be a brief lecture at the beginning of each lab session.
Roll will be taken during lab. 20% of the lab grade is based on attendance.
Lab Submission
All lab files due should be located in your designated folder on Sleipnir.
This area on the Sleipnir server will be set up for you during the 1st week
of class.
Instructions will be gived during the course to help you submit your
assignments correctly.
Homework assignments are posted on our web page. Please work out the problems
on paper with a pencil and eraser. Homeworks are due on Fridays just prior to
the weekly quiz.
Late Policy
Late assignments will not be accepted.
Final Exam
The final exam will be given during finals week, and be similar to the
quizzes given during the quarter.
Individual Work Policy
All work done in this course is individual work.
Sharing of code is not acceptable.
Possession of code written by other students in not acceptable.
Copying another student's work is plagiarism.
Copying answers or source code from the Internet is also plagiarism.
Asking a tutor or another person to do your work for you is cheating.
Do your own work please.
If you are struggling to learn the material, then do the following:
1. Complete all the reading assignments.
2. Ask the tutors some specific questions about what you're stuck on.
3. Come to every class session.
4. Practice your programming every day.
5. Contact the instructor for help.
note: This syllabus could be amended during the semester.