CMPS 2680 - Week 07 notes

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JavaScript continued


DOM Methods: selecting elements

document.getElementById() Method

This method returns the element that has the specified ID name.


document.getElementsByClassName() Method

This method returns the elements with the specified CSS class name.


document.getElementsByTagName() Method

This method returns the elements with the specified HTML tag .


document.querySelector() Method

This method returns the first element that matches a specified CSS selector in the document.

      document.querySelector("div, #myId");

document.querySelectorAll() Method

This method returns all of the elements in the document that match a specified CSS selector.

      document.querySelectorAll("div, #myId");

DOM Methods: creating and appending elements

document.createElement() Method

This method creates a new HTML element. But, it does not automatically put the elements onto the page!

      var p = document.createElement("p");
      p.innerHTML = "New paragraph!";

document.createTextNode() Method

This method creates a text node to be placed inside of an HTML element.

      document.createTextNode("Hello World!");

document.appendChild() Method

This method appends a new element as the last child of the parent element.


DOM remove() Method

Calling this method with an element removes it from the document.

See also: DOM removeChild()


innerHTML Property

This property can be used to set the HTML content of an element.

      document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML = "Hello World!";

With this, you can write HTML elements directly into the selected element:

        document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML = "<p>Hello world!</p><p>Two paragraphs !</p>";

You can also use this property to get the contents of an element:

        var data = document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML;

style Property

This property can be used to get/set the CSS styling of an element.

      document.getElementById("myDiv").style.backgroundColor = "red";


Variables and functions

Demo: JS variables and functions

Demo: DOM methods

Refresher: variables

JavaScript variables let you store data values. For example, the following code

var username = prompt("Enter your username");

will call the prompt method to ask the user for a value, then store that value in a variable named username. You can also create a variable without giving it a value, making it undefined until something is assigned to it:

var username;

Data types

Converting strings to numbers

We can convert a string read using prompt() into a number by passing the value to the Number constructor:

var v1 = prompt("Enter a number");
var n1 = Number(v1);
To get a yes/no answer for whether the input is an actual number, use Number.isNaN:

var actualNumber = Number.isNaN(n1);
if (!actualNumber) {
  alert(`n1 is a number: ${n1}`);
else {
  alert(`n1 is not a number: ${n1}`);
Note that we pass n1 into Number.isNaN(), not v1. Why?

Converting numbers to strings

You can convert a number to a string using the .toString() method on the number variable:

var v1 = 37;
var s1 = v1.toString();


Variables declared outside of functions are called global variables. If a variable is global, that means that all scripts and functions on a web page have access to it. Global variables last from the moment that they are declared until the browser window/tab is closed.

Variables declared inside functions are considered local variables. Every time the function is called, its local variables are created and then destroyed when the function is finished.


Arithmetic Operators

+, -, *, /, %, ++, --

Assignment Operators

=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=

String Operators

+, +=

Comparison Operators

See W3Schools comparisons

==, ===, !=, !==, >, <, >=, <=


Homework 6 tips

JS Events

click Event

This event occurs when the user clicks on an element.

<!-- With HTML -->
<button id="myId" onclick="myFunction()"></button>

  // With JavaScript
  document.getElementById("myId").addEventListener("click", myFunction);

  // Or this way
  document.getElementById("myId").onclick = function() {
    /* JavaScript here */

dblclick Event

This event occurs when the user double-clicks on an element.

<!-- With HTML -->
<div id="myId" ondblclick="myFunction()"></div>

  // With JavaScript
  document.getElementById("myId").addEventListener("dblclick", myFunction);

  // Or this way
  document.getElementById("myId").ondblclick = function() {
    /* JavaScript here */

mouseover Event

This event occurs when the mouse pointer is moved onto an element or its children.

<!-- With HTML -->
<div id="myId" onmouseover="myFunction()"></div>

  // With JavaScript
  document.getElementById("myId").addEventListener("mouseover", myFunction);

  // Or this way
  document.getElementById("myId").onmouseover = function() {/* JavaScript here */};

Application of events

Try clicking, double-clicking, and putting the mouse over the image:

CSS Transitions

Transitions allow you to smoothly change between one CSS property and another. Transitions do not work on all properties, however:

error Event

This event occurs when there is an error loading an external file (e.g. a document or an image).

<!-- With HTML -->
<img id="myId" onerror="myFunction()">

  // With JavaScript
  document.getElementById("myId").addEventListener("error", myFunction);

  // Or this way
  document.getElementById("myId").onerror = function() {
    /* JavaScript here */

addEventListener() Method

This method assigns an event handler to the specified element. One element can have many event handler and there can be more than one event handler for the same type of event.

document.getElementById("myId").addEventListener("click", myFunction);

Input fields

We've been using prompt() to get input from the user so far, but we can also use input elements. Try entering something in the textbox and clicking the button: