Department of
Computer & Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
California State University, Bakersfield

Instructions for Add/Drop Forms

Reasons to Use the Form

The add/drop form is a form used to add a class that you cannot normally add through Some valid reasons to initate an add/drop form include but are not limited to:

  1. Reason 1: You are on the waitlist for a class and the instructor of a class approves adding you above classroom capacity.
  2. Reason 2: There is a time conflict, and you and the instructor of the course has come up with a plan for you to attend class in an alternate way.
  3. Reason 3: An administrative delay in transfer credit resulted in your transcript not reflecting a class you had completed, and your advisor approved the add.

If you meet these criteria you are elible to add the class. For the first two scenarios, you require instructor approval. For the third scenario, you require advisor approval.

How to Complete the Form

The form must be completed accurately there may be delays in adding the class. To add a class:

  1. Complete the form to the best of your abilties with the tips given later.
  2. Send the form to the instructor for them to sign.
  3. When the instructor has signed, the form, sent the form to the Chair and CC the administrative assistant.

Reason 3 does not require an instructor signature.

Drafting the Form

Here are some tips to accurately draft the form before sending it to your instructor or advisor:

  1. Write your full name as it is on your transcript.
  2. Your CSUB ID is located on your student ID.
  3. Use your official CSUB e-mail.
  4. When you are adding a class, select "ADD/DROP" and not "TERM WITHDRAWAL".
  5. Generally, when completing this form it is not a request for a prior term.
  6. Enter the semester (Fall/Spring and Year) for when the class will happen and not when you are completing the form.
  7. Classes with a lecture and lab must have two lines, one for the lecture and one for the lab. They have different Class Reference numbers (CRN) and sections.
  8. Classes have an ID number which is a five digit code and a two digit section. The two digits at the end are the section. For example, with 12345-01, 12345 is the CRN and 01 is the section.
  9. It is important to list the units in the table as well as the "Total Units Enrolled in Before Change" (and after). The form cannot be executed if adding the class would result in you going over the maximum number of units.
  10. For "Reason ...", for each Reason given earlier write the following:
    • Reason 1: "Override classroom capacity. Student agrees to bring laptop to lab."
    • Reason 2: "Override time conflict. Student and instructor developed plan for student to participate in class."
    • Reason 3: "Override prerequisites due to administrative delay, transfer credit has not yet hit transcript.
  11. Do not forget to sign the form.