Chengwei LEI, Ph.D.    Associate Professor

Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
California State University, Bakersfield


Photo Gallery




My Research Assistant Huaiyu Zhang is working with Dr. Liu and his Research Assistant for the project
 "Visualizing the Carbon Emissions from the Energy Capital of California"
which is funded by California Energy Research Center.

Mar 2024



Dr. Lei is chairing one of the session in GreenTech 2023.

Awarding the presenter for Best Paper Award.

Apr 2023



Dr. Lei got his MBA degree from CSUB.

Be a lifelong learner. Never give up. Keep going.

Aug 2022



Dr. Lei got his service award certificate from President Zelezny.

May 2022


My advisee students Zachary Scholefield, Steven Merino, Clemente Rodriguez, McKay Russell,
presented their collaborative Data Mining research project at
University of Southern California (Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy).

March 2022






My advisee student Jonathan Crawford presented his full conference paper at
4th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems. (virtually)

May 2021





My advisee Fernando Herrera presented his work at
6th International Conference on Machine Learning Technologies. (virtually)

Apr 2021



My advisee Fernando Herrera presented his full conference paper at IEEE Green Technologies Conference.

Apr 2019




Research Excellence Award, awarded by President Lynnette Zelezny, Ph.D.

Mar 2019




My advisees Esteban Lopez, Robert Pierucci, Cesar Nuno, Miguel Trigueros
got the 1st place in Senior Design Expo Award.

May 2018




Research Excellence Award, awarded by President Horace Mitchell, Ph.D.

Mar 2018




Presented my research work to President Horace Mitchell, Ph.D.

Apr 2017