CMPS 3680 Web Programming II: Server Scripting Week 1 Review HTTP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript M - Syllabus W - Review cs2680, forms, form validation w/ js Th - Lab: javascript form validation + processing Week 2 Intro to PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor M - syntax, operators, dataTypes, variables, scope, constants W - control structures, looping, built in functions Th - Lab: all php webpage Week 3 PHP Arrays and Strings M - Arrays (indexed + assoc), loop w/ arrays, funcs, manip. W - Strings, functions, and manipulation Th - Lab: array of products and sorting Week 4 Processing Form Data, Security {injections} M - HTML forms, input types, get + post request W - SuperGlobals, processing form data, injections Th - Lab: Lab1 update w/ server side validation Week 5 PHP File I/O, Form Data II M - Opening a file, read, write, append, .csv W - File Lock, form processing w/ files, fseek, ftell Th - Project I: Quiz Form + Grade Week 6 PHP Functions, SSI, regex M - defining functions, params, return W - include, require, pass by value, pass by reference Th - Lab: SSI webpages Week 7 PHP Object Oriented M - Encapsulation, Data Hiding, Constr. Destr., W - Accessor, Mutator, Inheritance, Polymorphism Th - Lab: PageLib OOP ContactForm Week 8 Web Application Security Risks M - File Upload, Email Header Injections, Sensitive Data W - Building Secure WebApps, XSS, CSRF Th - Lab: Cookie Monster Week 9 Intro SQL, MySQL M - Databases, design, Creating Database Tables, dataTypes W - SELECT * FROM ... WHERE ...; queries Th - Lab: Create table and perform queries Week 10 SQL cont, Security II {sql injections} M - INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, sorting, filtering W - sql injections, security, real escape string Th - Lab: Week 11 Cookies, Sessions M - SuperGlobal Cookie and Session W - Session Management and Security {use only cookies, regenerate id} Th - Lab: Week 12 Users, Security III {csrf, xss, session hijacking, etc} M - File Upload, email, phishing, xss W - csrf, session hijacking, broken authentication Th - Project II: Login, Logout, Register, Cart Spring Break April 15-19 Week 13 E-Commerce, Shopping cart M - query items from database, add to cart, and remove W - Intro to ecommerce websites and payment gateways Th - Lab: Shopping Cart Week 14 JS, AJAX, PHP, Database Chatlog M - jQuery, .ajax() W - A Better Shopping Cart Th - Lab: chat server + client Week 15 Final Projects + Presentations M - work day for final projects W - presentations for final projects Th - presentations for final projects **schedule is subject to change