CMPS 3680 - Spring 2019
Derrick McKee
Office: Sci III 321, 654-2819
Office Hours:
MonWed: 8am-9am, 10am-11am, 12pm-1pm
Thurs: 7am-7:20am, 9:50am-10am
Fri: 8am-9am
Contact Me
Course website:
Course meets:
MonWeds 10:00am-10:50pm in Sci III 240
Th 10:00am-12:30pm in Sci III 240
Course Description:
Languages, principles, and techniques fundamental to web application
development on the server side. The latest languages, security risks, and
technologies are addressed. Languages used in this course: PHP, SQL,
JavaScript - jQuery, AJAX, HTML, and CSS.
Topics covered in CMPS 3680
Introduction to PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
PHP Arrays and Strings
Processing Form Data
PHP File I/O
PHP Functions
Server Side Includes
Object Oriented Programming with PHP
PHP Error and Exception Handling
PHP Cookies and Session Managment
Database Design with MySQL
Introduction to SQL
WebDev Security Risks
js injections, cross-site scripting, session hijacking,
sql injections, cross-site request forgery, phishing,
file upload risks, insecure direct object references
User Based Website Design
E-Commerce Website Design
**Additional topics may be discussed
Prerequisite: CMPS 2680 or CMPS 2010 with a C- or higher and approval
Topics covered in CMPS 2680:
Introduction to Web Development
HTML Markup
Cascading Style Sheets
CSS Box Model
Web Design Layout
Image Handling
HTML Forms and Validation
Bootstrap and jQuery
Students are responsible for their own attendance. The topics covered
in lecture will be listed on the course website.
Academic Integrity Policy:
Homeworks and labs may be worked on and discussed in groups. If the
assignment is a group assignment, the group can turn in one assignment
for the entire group. If the assignment is an individual assignment,
each student must turn in their own code; no direct copying is allowed.
Refer to the Academic Integrity policy printed in the campus catalog
and class schedule.
Services for Students with Disabilities:
To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact the
Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) as soon as possible.
They may be reached at 661-654-3360 (voice), or 661-654-6288 (TDD). If you
have an accommodations letter from the SSD Office, please present it to me
during my office hours as soon as possible so we can discuss the specific
accommodations that you might need in this class.
Tutoring Center and Open Use Computer Lab:
The walk-in computer lab in Sci III 324 is available for use by students
in this course outside of class time on a first come, first serve basis.
Priority in the lab is given to students who are completing assignments
for Computer Science and Computer Engineering courses.
Tutoring is also provided on a limited basis in the walk-in lab. A tutoring
schedule will be posted on the department website by the end of the first
week of classes. Students in this course may ask the tutors for assistance
on assignments. The tutors are not allowed to solve the assignment for you,
but they can assist with problems like cryptic compiler errors.
Text Book:
None required. However, the following
book for this course is currently under review and recommended.
PHP and MySQL Web Development, 5th Edition. Luke Welling, Laura Thomson
Print ISBN-13: 978-0-321-83389-1
Print ISBN-10: 0-321-83389-9
Lab assignments will be posted on the course website. Labs are worth 4
points. There will be one
lab assignment each week that will be due on the posted
date before midnight.
Partial credit will be given for incomplete
Late Policy:
Late labs will not be accepted.
If there is a late policy that is posted for an assignment, then that
policy will apply for that particular assignment. Otherwise, an assignment
that is not submitted on the posted due date will not be accepted.
Labs Submission:
Assignments are submitted by uploading the assignment to your public_html
directory on sleipnir AND by copying the required material for the assingment into the corresponding depository directory. The
assignments' file name(s) must be exact. A server side script will run
to extract the file(s) at the time of the assignments' due date.
Allow at least one week after the assignment due date for the grade to be
posted. It is your responsibility to check to see if your assignment
has been received/graded and to contact the instructor if it has not been
received. If your assignment received an asterisk on the grades report,
you have until the end of the week to contact me or the assignment will
not be counted.
Out-of-class Time:
It is expected that students in a 3 unit course such as this will spend 4
to 10 hours each week outside of class working on assignments, so be
sure to budget enough time to complete the assignment before the due date.
There will be 2 midterm projects and 1 final project.
Project descriptions and due dates will be announced promptly ahead of
Projects will consist of fully developed webpages based off lecture
material and lab assignments. For each project, you will have adequate
time to complete the requirements. Each project will have a rubric for
criteria and descriptions matching the achievement level.
Late projects will not be accepted.
Partial credit will be given to incomplete projects.
Final Project:
Your final project will consist of a project proposal, a fully developed
web application, and a short presentation of your completed project.
Unlike the midterm projects, the final project will be entirely up to you.
I will announce the writing requirements for the final project proposal
and the criteria for the project. Presentations will be held
during the class's final time slot,
If you cannot make this time for a serious or compelling reason, contact
the instructor ONE WEEK in advance to schedule an alternate time.
Late final projects will not be accepted.
If a final project is not submitted,
then the student will receive an incomplete for the course.
Details on submitting the final project will be posted.
Lab Rubric | Description |
4 | All criteria of the assignment was met |
3 | Mostly all criteria of the assignment was met |
2 | Partial criteria of the assignment was met with many errors |
1 | Little to no criteria of the assignment was met |
Grade Distribution | |
Lab | 30% |
Project 1 | 25% |
Project 2 | 25% |
Final Project | 20% |
93% | A |
90% | A- |
87% | B+ |
83% | B |
80% | B- |
75% | C+ |
70% | C |
65% | C- |
60% | D+ |
55% | D |
50% | D- |
49% | F |