Project Idea

I will be using PyGame to design a simplistic retro-themed 2D RPG. PyGame is python's wrapper class for SDL.

Idea Examples

Good examples of similar games (but on a scale far larger than I'm considering) would be Final Fantasy 4, and Chrono Trigger, as seen in the images to the left.


Given I've designed a basic game in C++ with OpenGL in Software Engineering, I wanted to add in a new element and instead work with SDL as it is structured very similarly, but offers the chance for new learning possibilities and the potential for easier cross platform development as I'd like to continue development beyond this course.

Higher Level Ideas

Below are some of the higher level ideas I'm aiming to incorporate in the game.


Scene Switching

Implementing logic to handle swapping from an overworld to other scenes, such as towns.


Sprite Animation

Using a tilesheet to simulate character movement based on user input for direction and the correct tiles to use.



Having audio attached specific scenes, and allowing the scene switching logic to switch music on scene changes.


Collision and Portals

Using Tiled to implement specific tiles to have collision with the player and prevent movement. Further implementing tiles for the player to interact with to allow for the scene switching.

Previous Status

Below are images showing the progress that I've made. I've been generating maps using some open source tilesets. As of now, I'm generating them as tmx files which I then load into the program. My next steps are aiming to construct the logical process of moving from an overworld to other scenes on specific collision detection (i.e. a town).

About Me

I left this in from the template cause why not.

Sean Fontes

Senior in Computer Science at CSUB. Currently working from home.