Chengwei LEI, Ph.D.    Associate Professor

Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
California State University, Bakersfield

Web-interface to identify SEO success factors

The appetite and interest in digital advertising among small and medium enterprises is significant, but the extravagant complexities of implementing a purposeful and benchmarked digital advertising campaign prevent many SMEs and micro-enterprises from engaging in strategically planned digital marketing; despite its’ relative cost effectiveness compared to traditional channels. Many SEO success factors have been proved to be useful for improving marketing performance. However, many companies still rely on their anecdotal evidences or heuristics for digital marketing decision-making. This research is focused on addressing this gap by identifying an evidence-based SEO success roadmap for dental service providers. SMEs that have not adopted these SEO success factors will benefit from this research study.





1, Proposal for this project.



2, Example papers from other researchers on the similar topic.



3, Other useful web links for the SEO data/project.


Detailed suggested steps:

1, Get the top 100 related keywords for the given core keyword (let's use "pistachio" for example)


2, Get the google search results for each of the 100 related keywords

3, Use the clustering algorithm to analyse the relationship between all 100 related keywords.


4, Build the visualization tools to display the clustering results.